Building an Integrated, Open, Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable Data Network

The Biodiversity Collections Network (BCoN), in collaboration with the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), are holding a series of domain-focused virtual listening sessions and a subsequent interdisciplinary workshop purposefully designed to engage an expansive set of stakeholders toward Building an Integrated, Open, Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (BIOFAIR) Data Network.

BCoN will convene stakeholders from across the spectrum of biodiversity, ecological, and environmental data providers, curators, and users with the goal of initiating a collaborative and accessible partnership towards an integrative and expanded data network. Virtual discussions will focus on advancing data culture and infrastructure that meets emerging needs in research, education, conservation, biosecurity, and the bioeconomy. In partnership with representatives from various data domains, the BCoN Steering Committee will plan a series of stakeholder listening sessions aimed at building collaboration among disparate data communities—highlighting an iterative process of building a larger, interdisciplinary community from within. Listening session discussions will build on and bridge the Extended Specimen Network (ESN) vision with other existing conceptual frameworks for data integration and application. Representatives from a wide range of stakeholder groups will subsequently be invited to participate in a more expansive, interdisciplinary online workshop

Our goal is to catalyze cross-domain discussions to identify a set of shared biodiversity data needs and goals and to define the next steps and collaborative plan to enhance integration of digital data and scientific research. This project will inform the next steps of data integration with attention to supporting formal and informal education, including engagement through outreach and community science, and providing new opportunities and access for individuals from historically underrepresented groups to engage in biodiversity research and education. 

Read our guiding principles, which state the values by which our steering committee will operate.

Planned Stakeholder Listening Sessions

Stay tuned for more information. Sign up to receive updates.


Natural Science Collections Alliance (NSCA)
Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections.

This project is supported by the National Science Foundation (Award No. 2303588).