One Health Session

Organismal and environmental health are inextricably entwined and there is much to learn from cross-disciplinary discussions. This listening session is intended to facilitate such discussion and begin to identify avenues for improving future information exchange. The session is focused on connecting members of the One Health community with diverse backgrounds across varied taxa and ecosystems to ultimately develop a roadmap for FAIR data integration.

The discussion during the listening session on July 2 will generally focus on the following themes:

  • How could the integration of One health data with other data sources advance your organization’s goals?
  • What are the greatest challenges, gaps, and needs for integrating data from different domains?
  • Are there existing conceptual frameworks for integrating data within your organization/field/domain? How would you approach aligning your goals with other frameworks, such as the Digital Extended Specimen?
  • What are evident areas to make progress, considering resource trade-offs, in the immediate, short-, and long-term?
  • What do you view as the best path toward data integration? What other stakeholders or domains need to be part of this effort?

Date: July 2, 2024
Time: 1:00 – 3:00 PM EDT

Who is invited?
Stakeholders in the One Health community, including but not limited to those working in collections, zoos, or human/animal health.

John Bates, Sinlan Poo, Greg Watkins-Colwell, Julia Portmann

Key Domain Representatives: 

  • Joe Cook (Museum of Southwestern Biology)
  • Kelly Speer (University of Michigan Pathogen Biorepository or M-PABI)
  • Marcy Revelez (CDC Biorepository)
Read the session summary.

Listening Session Discussion Questions

Please feel free to share your thoughts on these questions in the comments section below.

Part 1:
Consider for example the emergence of hantavirus. 

  • For 30 years, we thought hantaviruses were rodent-borne, and highly host-specific, but collections have revealed a much broader host and geographic distribution.
  • Museum collections were used to help identify deer mice as important reservoirs of 1993 hantavirus outbreak in SW US and continue to be used to help discover previously unknown reservoirs of hantaviruses. 
  • Collections allow us to look at host-pathogen interactions, spillovers and emergences in ways that would otherwise be impossible.

Would this One Health approach, inclusive of museums, have made our responses to other emerging zoonoses more effective?

Part 2:

  • We have a National Weather Service. How could we develop a National Emerging Zoonotic Pathogen Service that will issue doppler radar warnings for locations or periods of time that are high-risk for spillovers?
  • We can’t sample everything everywhere all at once, so we must be strategic. How can we tackle a Pathogen X scenario using an integrated One Health approach, inclusive of museums?
  • Who would be involved? How would these assessments be made? What data would be needed?

Part 3:

  • How do we get data to relevant stakeholders (researchers, agencies, practitioners, communities, etc.)? 
  • Museums store high-quality ‘digital twin’ data. How do we make these data FAIR and integrated with other informatics initiatives?

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